A Colorful Mind

A Colorful Mind
So much to say and read and do but so little time...

Monday, August 02, 2004

I got gas

NO, stupid...not needin' the Beano, thank you. I mean, I got $10 worth of gas at the 76 station this morning. Yeah, just like many mornings, only today was different. My youngest son is partaking in a week long writing festival (not a willing volunteer mind you, but that is another story...) down at Chico State. This constitutes a 40 minute drive down the hill, another back up the hill, and then later another 40 minutes down the hill, and later still another 40 up again. And I wasn't done. Football practice 25 minutes away brought further travel up and down the damn hill. As I pulled into my driveway at 8:30 tonight, my 'low gas' indicator blazed its auburn warning. Yup! I already need gas again...$10 sure doesn't go many times up the hill anymore, but it WILL buy ONE pound of steak...

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