A Colorful Mind

A Colorful Mind
So much to say and read and do but so little time...

Friday, August 06, 2004

Purple Knickers vs. White Hanes

I come from tea-times and trifles
beans on toast and fried egg sandwiches
suet and yorkshire pudds,
lemon curds and toad-in-the-holes
battling with conkers on the playground
baring purple knickers under navy tunics
too short for netball
wrong gender for cricket
I'm from war stories and ragtime
parachutes and grand pianos
too young to comprehend death
hands drowning in those of Fats Waller
My Fair Lady and Mary Poppins
more my interest than a Bridge Too Far
Accents and idioms
Potatoes, Tomahtoes
and Bob's your flippin' uncle
once just confusion
brings intrigue to my present
Where I'm from molded me
filled me
once just a part
now is me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved this poem K.T. Very eloquent and telling... xo A