A Colorful Mind

A Colorful Mind
So much to say and read and do but so little time...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

How Much Madness Must I Manage?

Hmmm? Why am I suddenly reminded of the ole "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck" twister? But really, how much madness must I manage? I just tried to e-mail a colleague, and I opened up my address book. Hmmm? Bubble2@sierra? Sk8trdood@aol? Glittrgirl@sunset? What the *&%#? Where are my contacts? The addresses
of over 10 years with the same address book? Was there a virus perhaps? Some glitch in the program maybe? A teenage son wanting to change settings who knew the password and reset settings so that EVERYONE in my family can contact his friends with a quick press of the button? Most likely! Yup....Arrrgh! Laptop for my own personal use, here I come! It will be mine...all mine....oops, better go get a beer to keep the madness at bay! LOL Bubble2, Sk8trdood, and TTYL Glittrgirl.

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