The bell ending fourth period buzzed, and in one quick sweep I grabbed my keys and coffee and sped to the faculty room. I needed the coolness of the just rained air on my face, to breathe quietly with no students mentally pulling on my last nerve, and yes, I needed to pee. It had been a rat race of a Tuesday, and I'd had my full of it all. I stormed into the faculty room to warm up my cold pizza in the microwave while I sped to the "facility" (multi-tasking at its best), when I was stopped by a colleague's rant regarding the "missing" weapons. " Oh, they were probably never even there in the first place. There never were any weapons in Iraq." What? Huh? Yeah right! You think I could have passed up this opportunity, even if it meant pissing right on the indoor/outdoor carpet of the staff room? Absolutely not. So there I was, legs crossed, eyes crossed in disbelief of such lunacy, and my inner frustration ready to explode. So I purged myself, vocally, with conviction, with smarts, and with no restraint. "In January of 2003, the I.A.E.A. inspected...blah blah...and THEN...So...and of course...according to the United Nations...grrr!" Yeah, you liberals are all the same. You're all in bed with the U.N., believe the New York Times is the gospel, and are so anti-Bush you'd vote Mr. Magoo in (okay, so I didn't say the latter, but I sure as hell thought it). And with a "Do your homework next time," I stomped off. Boy, Baldy No Brains, did that feel good.