Wife, Mother, and Teacher by day, reader and writer with the leftovers
A Colorful Mind

So much to say and read and do but so little time...
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Eenie meenie miney moe...
"And you're an English teacher?" I get so sick and tired of that question.Do people really believe that because I love working with students in finding personal connections within literature, and enjoy spreading a love for the written word, I must sound like a walking/talking Webster every minute of my 25 hour day. Please give me a break. Don't expect philosophical words and quotations from me. I could surprise you, and myself, from time to time, but just don't expect it. And if you ask me a question worthy of a Jeopardy's Look into Literature column, please make it multiple choice: eenie meenie miney moe...
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Yup. I'm Republican. Gotta Problem Widit?
I've come to the conclusion that many Kerry lovers lack respect for opposite ideas. I'm from a parents who expected me to have my own opinions, my own convictions, my own beliefs, but to keep them to myself unless I was asked to share them. For instance, at my workplace, I am verbally abused, attacked, and ridiculed. My democrat co-workers claim that their banter is "all in good fun" and "no harm intended." They should notice that I don't throw Kerry faux-pas in their democratic faces. I come to work, to work. I want my coffee and Raspberry-chocolate creamer in peace. And so what? Yes, I'm a God fearing woman, one that believes in the flag, in the Pledge of Allegiance, a woman whose hairs stand on end when listening to the Star Spangled Banner at her son's football game, one who allows her man to sleep with a gun nearby to protect her family, a mother who believes in the rights of an unborn child, and a woman who believes that hard work merits a paycheck more than being supported by the state. Yup. I'm Republican. Gotta problem widit?
Saturday, September 25, 2004
The Debates: Do I dare watch?
Actually, I can't wait. I feel like a WWF fanatic anticipating the World Championships. Not only will I be entertained by the big haired, lofty speaking Kerry, "ah...would that it were, would that it were," but finally he'll be contained to an hour so that perhaps, just maybe, the American people can know what he does stand for. Of course, an hour is a long time, who knows how many times he'll change his position within this time frame. Even more entertaining will be the Cheney/Edwards debate. Although, I feel rather guilty for even being a spectator. Do I even dare watch as it will be a gruesome debate. But I'm just too intrigued. Cheney, I'm sure, is looking forward to this spectacle, and Edwards, well he must be sleepless at night (if he isn't, he ought to be).
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Stop the World...I got to Pee!
Wow. How busy can a life be? I always hear the expression: Stop and smell the roses. Well, my roses aren't blooming, aphids have attacked, the leaves are curling, and I'm sure that one of my favorites has developed a terminal mildew. I suppose, if I was a pessimist, I could use this as a metaphor for the negativity in life, but I'm not, so I won't. Yes, it's true, my roses aren't blooming, but there are a few with buds which promises some color in days ahead. Those damn crawling pests have indeed taken over, but not for long, as the visiting bees have found a feast. I admit that I allowed the leaves to curl, but a good Sunday soak should solve this dilemma. Last, but not least, the mildew: sometimes I just have to let go and let nature take it's course. So, although I have been busy in a never ending spin this week, unable to stop to even pee, my bloomless roses have indeed taught me to stop and appreciate the promises of my days ahead...Even if I can't smell 'em today, I will tomorrow!
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